Sunday, July 15, 2012

Randy Jackson & Simon Cowell You Hiring, Dawg?

With "AmericanIdol" panel of judges reducing like flies, it's rather appealing that Randy Jackson fixed up with old pal Simon Cowell over dinner in West Hollywood last night.
The ex- co-workers posed a picture with a fan prior to taking a little late dinner at Ceconni's, showing up around 11:30 PM. It's not clear what the topic of discussion was, but we're told Randy and Simon has stayed good friends since Simon jumped ship in 2010.

Sylvester Stallone's Son Sage Found Dead

Sage Stallone son of Sylvester Stallone has been found dead at his home in Los Angeles. Sylvester Stallone is shocked and desolate over the sudden loss of his son Sage Stallone," a rep for Sly tells Bonohur. "His sympathy and feelings are with Sage's mother, Sasha. Sage was a very brilliant and amazing young man; his loss will be felt forever."